Eurasian Manifesto

Eurasian Manifesto

We the ethnic groups, peoples and nations of Eurasia, recognize that this continuation of belligerency way past the point of cessation of hostilities, is based on the agreement of the allied war coalition powers up until today, as well as the instigation by those internationally active groups gaining and profiting from war in both the economic and financial fields.

We demand the end of the Second World War, achieved through the arrangement of a peace treaty.

The abolition of the League of Nations and the founding of the United Nations under the influence of the military occupation force of Anglo-American power interests, as well as the military occupation of Central Europe, which serves exclusively economic and power-political interests, constitute the framework conditions for an effective intervention of Eurasia.

The reality of the situation is a monstrous and meaningless peace wallpapering over covert martial law.

The misuse of the „UN mandate“, the IMF coercion strategies and the EU method of forced coordination, implements and maintains a space for intervention and hegemony, which is inhumane and illegal under international law, with the aim of mastering the motion of money and goods.

The result shows the intention.

The right of plunder is only valid during a state of war. Therefore, the corrosion of sovereignty through misappropriation, transfer, or abandonment of national rights is the prerequisite for globalizing forced coordination and for a takeover by the actual enemies of the people of Eurasia.

The return to a national rule of law overcomes the collusion of empiricism and „presumptions of right“ of the internationally active camouflage organization of an institutionalized legal conspiracy, without any ethics or morality.

  • We, the peoples of Eurasia, strive for the attainment and preservation of peace.
  • We are developing an as of yet undefined spatial structure which clearly prohibits interventions by foreign powers.
  • We create freedom for self-determination, sovereignty, international understanding, peaceful balance of interests and self-sufficiency of all who strive for it.
  • We create freedom from hegemony and oppression of sovereign rights of self-determination.
  • We create a space in which the exchange of differences is possible.
  • We maintain the exchange and the agreement on human knowledge and consciousness as the basis of the international discussion and as the basis of commonly defined values ​​and norms in the coexistence of the peoples of Eurasia.
  • We agree on the mutual acceptance of national legal spheres.
  • Sovereign rights are above human rights. Borders are untouchable, but not insuperable.
  • We, the people in our Eurasian homeland, who are united in the recognition and principles of the Eurasian Manifesto, are initiating a conference on security and  cooperation in Eurasia – CSCEu.

We regard this CSCEu as a method of international communication within Eurasia at the  level of the people’s diplomacy.

The conference is seeking for an international dialogue. It is about revolutionizing the realm of ideas.

The conference is designed to moderate the inner-Eurasian exchange and ensure a reliable continuity.

The conversation conveys security, insight and knowledge.

Eurasisches Manifest          Евразийский манифест



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